You can count on Brandon Kutner to:

Reducing the County Budget: A Strategic Approach
Our commitment to reducing the county budget by 2.5% year over year is not just about cutting costs, but rather about making every taxpayer dollar count. Through careful evaluation and prioritization, we will identify areas of inefficiency, reduce or eliminate duplicative services already provided through other governmental and private sector means, and allocate resources where they are needed most. This fiscally responsible approach will result in a leaner, more efficient government that delivers tangible benefits to our community.
Investing in Infrastructure and Roadways
A key pillar of our platform is the redirection of budget savings towards infrastructure and roadway projects. This investment is not only about improving our physical infrastructure, but also about stimulating economic growth, increasing access to and the efficiency of public and private transportation options, and creating job opportunities within our community. By prioritizing these essential projects, we are laying the foundation for a thriving and resilient future.
Targeted Community Investment for Economic Development
To foster sustainable growth, we recognize the need to replace lower-priority discretionary spending with strategic community investments. These targeted initiatives will focus on areas that directly impact our residents, such as job creation, business development, workforce training programs, access to affordable housing options and youth empowerment opportunities. By aligning our investments with the needs of our community, we can unlock new opportunities for economic prosperity.
Enhancing Public Safety Services
Safety is paramount to the well-being of our community. To address this, we will be investing in critical communication and technology needs within our public safety services. By providing our first responders with the tools and resources they need, we can ensure a swift and coordinated response in times of emergency, ultimately saving lives and protecting our community.
Increasing Access to Affordable Housing
Affordable housing is a cornerstone of a vibrant and inclusive community. Through strategic partnerships and innovative solutions, we will work to expand access to affordable housing options for our residents. This initiative will not only improve the quality of life for many, but also alleviate financial burdens, allowing families to invest in other aspects of their well-being.
Collaboration with Municipalities
We believe that strong, collaborative relationships with our municipalities are essential for the overall growth and prosperity of Alachua County. By working hand-in-hand with each city, we can understand their unique needs and aspirations, and provide the support and resources necessary to help them thrive.
Collaborative Solutions for Sustainable Development
The path to revitalizing economic growth in Alachua County’s east side necessitates a collaborative and multi-faceted approach. Engaging in comprehensive dialogue with local stakeholders, including community leaders, environmentalists, and business representatives, is crucial to devising inclusive policies that address the nuanced challenges faced by the region. Implementing tailored incentives for businesses to invest in eco-conscious infrastructure, fostering educational programs to promote sustainable practices, and streamlining bureaucratic processes to facilitate smoother business operations are key components of a holistic strategy for sustainable development that we all should be able to support.